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    Orlando, FL

    Damani is a 47-year-old single man who lives in Orlando, Florida and works as a freelance writer averaging less than $1400.00 a month income as a contract worker. He lost his full-time job in January 2018 and subsequently lost his health insurance in March, 2018.


  • “I do worry that if I get sick or injured, I won’t be able to get the healthcare I’ll need because I can’t afford it,” he said. “I also worry about being responsible for high medical bills.”


    Damani has been looking for a full-time job with healthcare benefits since January 2018. So far, he has only been able to get contract work as a freelance writer. His income varies, depending on work he is able to secure, averaging less than $1400.00 monthly. He lives alone but has two minor children. His housing situation is stable, he reports.


    “I believe everyone should be able to access healthcare. It’s good for the person, the society, the economy as whole,” Damani said. “It’s a human right.”

  • He has no health insurance now but thankfully, has not had any health issues or incurred any medical debt in the past year. He was unaware of Orlando health safety net clinics and is not familiar with the Affordable Care Act. He did not apply for an ACA or Cobra policy after he lost his job in 2018. Damani was advised of the new ACA enrollment period, Nov. 1 – Dec. 15, 2018 for 2019 coverage. He was also advised of Orange County Health Department safety net healthcare.

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