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    Age 51

    Miami, FL


    Angeline is a fifty-one-year-old United States citizen who suffers from serious health conditions, which routine treatments have not been able to relieve. Without Medicaid, Angeline lacks the privacy, stability, and continuity of care she greatly desires.

  • Angeline relies on a free clinic for access to medical care. She is required to seek the aid of her case manager for any referrals. However, since her time at the clinic, she has been transferred from one case manager to another. Her current case manager is her third.

    With Medicaid, she would be able to choose one primary care physician she could confide in and would not be at the mercy of the free clinic alone.

  • Angeline does not feel comfortable disclosing her ailments to the variety of doctors that she currently has to see in order to receive care. With Medicaid, she would be able to choose one primary care physician she could confide in and would not be at the mercy of the free clinic alone.


    Because she is unable to choose where she receives care and where she gets her medication, privacy is a substantial concern for Angeline. Angeline and others like her, hoping for privacy, stability, and continuity of care, need and deserve access to Medicaid.

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